Food and Cosplay
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Interview with LauraNiko & Miyuki Kurame Cosplay
This week, we interview the cosplay duo of LauraNiko & Miyuki Kurame Cosplay. Read how they deal with being in a Cosplay pair, their love for Final Fantasy, who argues the most and more.
What got you both into cosplay?
Since we was child we always been very fans of the anime that we saw on TV and we also played a lot of videogames, when we saw that people were “wearing anime costumes” at conventions we discovered that it was the best time to make it! Also, going with friends from the same series made us very happy!
How do you explain cosplay to friends/family member who doesn’t know this hobby?
Well, all our friends and family know very well what cosplay is because they also like it, but normally when we have to explain what is our hobby we just say: “We make costumes ourselves as characters from anime, manga and videogames or movies that we like a lot, something like a halloween all year long where you can win contests and go to make super cool pictures”
You two have done a lot of cosplays together. How long have you been cosplaying as a duo?
Since 2010, we met at a convention and soon after we started our relationship. We loved cosplay since before we met, but one of us like to sewing and the another one make the props so which was perfect to make a team! so the idea of always doing cosplay together was immediate and very important for us!
We can see you’ve done a lot of Final Fantasy cosplay. What draws you to these characters?
Everything. We really love the Final Fantasy sagas although we have our favorites like: Final Fantasy IV, V, VII, VIII and XV, but also we are a big fans of SquareEnix in general. They are part of our childhood videogames, since we like them from small, so for us the Final Fantasy world is important. We also really like the soundtrack of these videogames, so whenever we do some Final Fantasy cosplay we listen to their soundtrack.
What has been your most successful cosplay?
Obviously Noctis and Prompto. They are the cosplays with which we have reached most people and more have shared us. They are also the cosplays with more photos we have because people like it a lot, and we love the characters and the videogame. They are the cosplays that we love the most and we have been uploading photos of them since 2016 (although Laura has made more characters of FFXV)
So how do you decide what cosplay you do as a duo?
It is very easy, each one has a very different style of characters we like it so we have never had doubts in which character each one choose. Almost always they are usually friends or couples so it is perfect for us. Only with 2B Nier Automata, it happens that we both love the character but there is no problem, we can exchange the cosplay hahaha.
Who argues the most about getting things done?
Miyuki sure hahahaha she is a perfectionist and always wants everything with the minimum detail. But even so, normally we do not usually argues a lot about cosplay decisions and how to do it. In general, we always have the same ideas and that’s why we never face each other.
How do make sure you keep on track of your projects?
Normally we always decide cosplays of characters that we love a lot, that’s why our “hype” never gets off when we’re working on it, even if we spend several months of work, we continue with the same enthusiasm as the first day. That is why we believe that it is very important to decide cosplays of characters that are very important for you, because in that way you will never lose the illusion of doing that cosplay.
How tough is it being in a team cosplay?
For us it is very easy! Each of us is dedicated to one thing. For example Laura make everything that is textile parts and Miyuki does everything that are props and armors, that means that no one of us wants to talk about the work of the other hahaha. Although when we talk about styling wigs, each of us stylized our own wig because that way we work more at ease.
What tips would you give to others who work in a duo/group?
Always have an open mind. Each member of the group can have their own way to doing something, so you always have to look at all the ways even if they are crazy hahaha, but if you have complicity and you know how to distribute the work… It will be very easy to do cosplay in team!
Money is no object, which cosplay and location you love to shoot at?
Miyuki: I would love to go to Japan with my Noctis cosplay and have a super cool photoshoot at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building because is where the Insomnia Citadel of the Final Fantasy XV is based.
LauraNiko: I would like to make the Cya guardian of time cosplay of the Hyrule Warriors in a cathedral or somewhere at night!
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