You probably all know how and why you should support your favourite cosplayer and artist in all forms but I’ll go through it here from my point of view.
There are many ways to help out. On social media, it’s so important to tag/credit/link who are involved in the photo or article, be it the cosplayer, photographer, makeup artist, costume maker, lenses, just everything as possible. It helps connect people to others help and find sources which may not be known to them.
If the cosplayers has an online store, buy a poster or merchandise from them, as it will help covering the initial cost of producing the merchandise and/or posters as well as putting money into future cosplay projects.
To help out photographers, as well as crediting work, ask them if they have a ko-fi account or a patreon account they can contribute. A small bit of income can help support a photographer in many ways like, online subscription to photo editing software, websites, buying equipment or simply buying them food on their travels. I have found using patreon very useful and put some of the money raised to maintain our website.
Supporting Cosplayers, photographers or artists on patreon is a great way to monthly support your favourite. There are some who create accounts but offer all content free such as myself and DTJAAAMwhich allows their followers to choose help out. Some cosplayers offer contact both digitally and physically exclusively, which makes the process even sweeter.
PLEASE NOTE: Offering money to a cosplayer/artist for certain acts is not welcome. I have read sorry many times how someone would privately message a cosplayer for a “specific” task in exchange of money. Request like this is not what cosplayers have setup a service like patreon or ko-fi is for.
If there is a subject you like me to chat about, please let me know. I’ll do my best to cover the subject.