Food and Cosplay
The Official Website of Food And Cosplay, where we share Photos and Articles relating to Cosplay and Comic-Con
So is Eddie Going to MCM London in May 2019
A few of you have asked about if I am going and how to get photo shoot slot from me.
I can official now say, I am going to MCM London in May. I shall be there all three days with my camera.
Regarding photo shoots at the event. As previously organised, I shall have a schedule going up for people to message me via facebook messenger. This year though, the actually timetable of what’s available will only be on our website (https://foodandcosplay.org/), though links to it will still appear on our facebook and twitter. All what you need to do to claim a slot will in posted in that same article when it goes out.
I plan for the schedule to go out 28th April at 1pm *Hopefully i would have recovered from watching Endgame.
Don’t worry if you can’t scheduled yourself to view the website at that exact time. Keep an eye out on our Patreon page a few days before 28th April. I’ll have limited early access to my schedule.
Any questions about this and anything else, please do comment below or send me a message on facebook messenger (http://m.me/foodandcosplay)