Food and Cosplay
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Cosplayer of the Week: Dabidal Cosplay
This French cosplayer is undoubtledly a master of armour, particularly using foam. The amount of detail in the costumes that Dabidal Cosplay makes is insane, and you can completely understand why he’s won awards for his work!
Age: 23
Location: Bordeaux, France
Favourite food: lasagne
Who or what first inspired you to start cosplaying?
I played a lot of video games and have always loved this universe. One day, me and my friends decided to go to Japan Expo in Paris, I made a cosplay for the occasion, and voila! My first cosplay was an OC inspired by Vi from League of Legends. I made it from yoga mats and hot glue with a horrible wig, but I love this costume because I met so many people through it.
What would you say is your most complex costume?
My last project – Thresh Blood Moon from League of Legends! It was really hard to hide my shape and look like a ghost. The wig was a huge challenge, I made a foam wig with hair on it to get the right shape. Thresh is my favourite cosplay.
Do you have a dream cosplay? Can you use anything you’ve learned from making Thresh to help you?
I don’t actually have a dream cosplay, I have huge projects but none of them are my dream. Each project is different and each time I’m trying to learn more techniques or work more accurately. My current project is Turalyon from World of Warcraft. The “big new” part of this is using Arduino to control all of the lights in the costume, it’s super hard!
What’s your favourite part of the costume making process?
I think it’s crafting and painting parts. I hate sanding though, it’s always the longest part every time.
If you could go back in time and give newbie Dabidal any advice, what would it be?
If I could go back in time and give lil’ Dabi a bit of advice, it would be “go back to sanding you lazy boy!” I think I’d tell myself never to give up and always make bigger and harder costumes, but above all, cosplay for you, not for others.